Dear Tom, Tonya and Innovative Truth partners, I remember when Kelly came home from her first small group meeting with Tonya in 2017. We had been fighting for weeks. Kelly’s 4 day silent treatment honestly felt like a gift. The word “divorce” had been screamed by both of us many times that year. She was such a nag and harshly critiqued every move I made. I was done! When Kelly came in after that first meeting, she was quiet. What a nice change, I thought to myself. I pretended to already be asleep to avoid the ritual of nightly fighting when she entered the bedroom later that night. I’m not sure how to describe my feelings when I realized Kelly was kneeling at the foot of the bed praying. I will protect her privacy and not divulge exactly what her conversation with God was, but will share I was shocked at her authenticity, raw pain and deep desire for God to help HER change. Not once did she ask God to change me. I didn’t know what happened in those hours she spent with Tonya & the others, but I knew it was something VERY different than any other group. As I saw Kelly transform over the next weeks and months, I started craving those changes for myself. So I began attending Innovative Truth meetings as well. Guess what? SURPRISE! She wasn’t the only nag and irritating selfish jerk in the house. We had been to many marriage counsellors, but their sugar-coated cotton candy way, led us to give up quickly. The Innovative Truth group wouldn’t let us off the hook. It was work. It was challenging. It was filled with a lot of tears, some honest anger, and a lot of deep introspection with God and His word. We cannot begin to thank you all enough for these nearly 4 years. Everything for us has changed. We grew from near divorce to a covenant marriage Kelly & I didn’t even know was possible. We’ve now both committed our lives to God, been baptized in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and continue to build individual, as well as marital, relationships with God at the center of everything. Probably the most unexpected thing has been Innovative Truth walking beside me as I am called to disciple others. I hear myself now repeating to others so many lessons they taught me. There are too many to mention but Kelly and I want to share 8 of our favorites.
Thank you Tom, Tonya and all of the Innovative Truth partners for supporting, loving, and helping us to transform our broken lives into full relationships centered on God. Your brother in Christ, Jeff Clark |
February 2023
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